Why see a Sexological Bodywork Coach?


Expanding Capacity for Pleasure

Issues around Libido

Empowering Sexuality

Confident Sex Education

Body Image, Esteem and Self-Acceptance

Issues around Chronic Stress

Moving on from Trauma

Finding Deeper Connections in Relationships

Overcoming Blocks to Intimacy

Unhooking from Restrictive Habits

Empowering Voice & Communication

Relationship Styles


Each session in my St Leonard’s studio is confidential, unique and informed by your personal history and goals.  We will co-create within a safe container of informed consent, choice, boundaries and a Code of Ethics.  

Sexological Bodywork is Trauma Informed and complements the effectiveness of psychotherapy and other healthcare.  Sexological Bodywork does not diagnose, treat or prevent any medical or psychological condition.  I can advise referrals if we feel the scope of my offering does not meet your concern.


Are the Sessions Clothed?

The majority of clients I work with remain fully clothed. I use techniques which invite clients to learn via their bodies. If the client wishes to explore more deeply, encompassing their erotic self, then the potential exists for the Sexological Bodyworker to offer hands-on touch and modalities, including genital anatomy mapping, full-body ‘active receiving’ massage. These types of modalities will only ever be offered when I, as practitioner, am certain of the Client’s capacity for autonomy and agency over their wants, desires and choices.

There is a strict Code of Ethics the foundations of which are:

1.  Erotic touch is only ever one-way, from practitioner to client.

2. The practitioner always uses medical grade gloves for intimate touch

3. The practitioner shall remain clothed during intimate touch.

4. The client is in choice at every moment and can have as many or as few clothes on as they choose.





30 minute initial consultation via Zoom £30

Via Zoom or in-person session 90 min £90

3 x 90 min sessions £240

5 x 90 min sessions £400



30 min x 2 initial consultation with each person £60

Via Zoom or in-person couple session 90 mins £120

3 x 90 min session £300

5 x 90 min sessions £500

Bespoke workshops and Town Square talks, please contact HERE.